Price Transparency for Clients

General information about fees

This page provides some examples of potential costs for some of the services that we provide. These are only illustrations and not definitive costs. Some kinds of work carry a fixed fee, others are calculated by a scale or hourly rate varying with the amount of time, complexity and value of the matter.

In addition to our fees, you may have to pay outlays which are charges and costs paid out by us on your behalf to other companies, offices and organisations – e.g. the Sheriff Court, Registers of Scotland, search companies, local authorities and others. These charges are incurred by you as a necessary part of the work being done. For each transaction where we are instructed, we will give you a letter of engagement setting out either a fixed cost for the transaction or details of how our fees will be charged.

So, the guidance on this page is not likely to match the costs that you will have for a particular transaction – that information will be given in the letter of engagement. Please contact one of our solicitors if you want to discuss this in more detail.

Areas of work

Preparation of a Will

For a straightforward Will our fee might be £190 plus VAT. For two straightforward Wills for a couple, our fee might be £290 plus VAT. If matters are more complicated, if you need detailed inheritance tax advice, or if a home or hospital visit is needed, the fee is likely to be higher. There are usually no outlays for making a Will.

Power of Attorney (Incapacity)

For a basic single Power of Attorney, the fee might be £315 plus VAT and for two Powers of Attorney for a couple, the fee might be £470 plus VAT. There may be an additional fee if a home or hospital visit is required. There is a registration outlay payable to the Office of the Public Guardian and details of the current cost can be found here.

Purchase of Residential Property (Conveyancing)

The fixed fee for this work will depend on the value of the property and for a straightforward transaction you might expect to pay between £650 and £1,200 plus VAT and outlays. Examples of outlays are fees payable to Registers of Scotland and Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT). These vary depending on the value of the property. The current costs can be found here for Registers of Scotland and here for LBTT Residential property | Revenue Scotland.

If you are funding the purchase using a government scheme, there is additional work and you might expect to pay an additional £295 plus VAT and outlays for this. If you are using a help to buy ISA, there is additional work and you might expect to pay an additional £50 plus VAT for this.

Sale of Residential Property (Conveyancing)

The fixed fee for this work will depend on the value of the property and for a straightforward transaction you might expect to pay between £650 and £1200 plus VAT and outlays. Outlays for this work will include the cost of registering a discharge of your mortgage and getting an Advance Notice (details can be found here). You are also likely to have search fees which typically might be around £200 including VAT.

Discharge of Security

For a basic discharge of a mortgage, our fee may be £260 plus VAT.

You will also have to pay registration costs to register the Discharge and details can be found here.

Purchase, sale and leases of Commercial and Agricultural Property (Conveyancing)

It is impossible to give a fixed fee quote for these transactions because the work involved and value varies so much from transaction to transaction. For these transactions we charge according to a scale of charges which varies from year to year and we will provide you with a copy of this on request. Most commercial transactions are likely to have a minimum cost of several thousand pounds plus VAT and outlays.

Again, outlays for these transactions vary widely, depending on the value of the transaction and your lender’s requirements.

Family law

We offer legal aid for those who are eligible. Please contact one of our solicitors to discuss this. Legal aid is not always free and we will give you full details of likely costs once we have discussed your financial circumstances. Our work is charged according to legal aid rates in these cases.

If you are not entitled to legal aid, we are unable to give a fixed fee quote for these transactions because the work involved and value varies so much from matter to matter. For these matters we charge according to a scale of charges which varies from year to year and we will provide you with a copy of this on request. Most family matters which are defended are likely to have a minimum cost of several thousand pounds plus VAT and outlays.

Administration of Estates (executries)

It is impossible to give a fixed fee quote for these matters because the work involved and value varies so much from estate to estate. For these matters we charge according to a scale of charges which varies from year to year and we will provide you with a copy of this on request. Most executry matters are likely to have a minimum cost of several thousand pounds plus VAT and outlays. Outlays for executry work will include Confirmation costs details of which can be found here and if there is no Will, you will likely have to pay for an insurance policy known as a Bond of Caution, the costs of which vary according to circumstances.

General Advice and Business

For any other work not mentioned above, please contact one of our solicitors to discuss likely fees and outlays.